Kookaburra Kong
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  • If players on Reddit are willing to discuss the future of the format, then so am I. As soon as I see the entire set list for Battle Partners.
    Click here to see the full deck list.

    Card predictions based on whatever it is Riddler Khu's pulling out of his Rock Tunnel for Legends ZA.

    Which I can't fit in, but it's just Spirit Links for Zygarde and Zeraora anyway.
    Since 2009, the TCG has been trying to answer the question "How many times can we remind you of Garchomp's relationship to Cynthia before it starts to get annoying?" For me, the answer is 3. And I doubt Heat Wave Arena's going to change anything.
    Hmm... If Paldean Fates featured flashy new Alt Arts and Gold Cards of previous cards, what will Prismatic Evolution feature for Alt Arts and Gold Cards of previous cards? I know Ogerpon and Terapagos (and maybe Eevee) are possibly guaranteed considering they're on the pack art, but is there anything else?
    Charizard, Charizard, and Charizard
    Kookaburra Kong
    Kookaburra Kong
    Besides Charizard
    I mean, we had those gold card promos from the Terapagos Ultra Premium Collection, so sadly we may not be getting anything unique in terms of Gold cards.

    I'd be interesting in seeing Illustration Rares for the baby Paradox Pokémon.
    The 2020-2021 meta be like:

    I made a meme about ADP too. I can't find it right now, but a long time ago I saw an ad about a class-action settlement or something concerning ADP, and I made a meme with that picture above a picture of the Arceus & Dialog & Palkia GX Full Art saying "Did somebody call us?"
    Nothing like playing TCGL on mobile, have a plan to kill 2 Charmanders and a Pidgey with Trifrost, only for the app to magically freeze and force you to exit out before that can happen.
    K? N? I can't think of any opposing ideas that would fit the bill.
    Those are just placeholder or code names. The actual names could be a lot different.
    I'm thinking way to hard about the future, and realizing that Chien-Pao is gonna be much clunkier with Irida gone.
    That's why you should play Expanded ;)
    Kookaburra Kong
    Kookaburra Kong
    I would, but the card shops I go to don't have access to older cards, and I don't know how much older cards like VS Seeker and Guzma, which are staples in expanded will cost me.
    As in, you're not rewarded for running multiple Pokémon that belong to a specific Owner. I'm just saying that if I'm running a quad Lilfairy deck, I want something like more HP or damage dished out.
    I finally learned how to use this site on my phone. Prepare for me to do more frequent antics.
    Be sure to use Ad Block as well!!
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