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  • He's actually staying for a few days because of the way gas money is around where we live. (basicly it's too expensive for him to stay a few hours) (he lives 20 minutes away and gas is around $3-4.98 where he lives and go back home) (the way some cars use gas it could cost around $15-$22 for a trip to my house and back) So we have plenty of time to go through cards and hang out. =p (plus we're practicly nocturnal)
    Lil Wayne, *phew* I got it sent... yeah, I have to tape it shut, so that ppl don't get into it... and use my middle name cuz some one who knew someone who knew another person told me they saw I sent a package full of toploaders... I FREAKED....

    Cuz I'm not like oh, yeah, I like pokemon...
    Lil Wayne, yes, NV...

    Oh, crap... someone hasn't confirmed that my cards have arrived... FFFF if I lost those I'm screwed.
    I don't know the combined total of Mint Commons/Uncommons I have, but my firend is coming over tommorow so we can count them. (I still have so much more in my room and garage it's not even funny (though I still have to dig them up))
    Lil Wayne, no, I wanna trade...
    + the mail system here got backed up...it's an estimated like 30,000 dollar loss in shipping... D:

    Could you possibly find it in you to like um...'

    Find 2x Yamask of any kind that you may have..

    Thanks a lot again, they should arrive sometime tomorrow.
    I got the other 549 cards today.

    All the other bulk I got today is Commons/Uncommons, if that's okay. (most of the other 946 cards is Commons/Uncommons, but a good sized portion is Holos/RHs/Non-Holo Rares.
    I currently have I think 946 cards gathered up but I'm most likley getting 546 cards today at league and I have more cards in my room if need be.
    Yes I still need Tropical Beach. I don't know how much I would be able to pay since I'm saving for a PR either later this month or next month, but I do have enough bulk to equal the value of it, the I need to gather some more of the bulk up, I have most of it organised. Also leaving the rep tommorow is okay.
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