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  • lilmissblcksunshine, lol, I did :p My brothers and I had a makeshift snowball fight and attempted in making a snowman (you can't exactly cal him a real snowman we named him "lumpy"). Are you on chat?
    lilmissblcksunshine, lol, Our driveway is covered in snow and we are all like

    "Darn, we should have bought a shovel sooner." So now we are debating how to get out of our house :p
    lilmissblcksunshine, I am decent. Under a ton of stress at the moment, but besides that all is well :D It is like ACTUALLY snowing so I have been a bit sick lately, since I am sooooo not used to this weather :p
    lilmissblcksunshine, give it some thought, then let me know. I'll be waiting for you in the usual places.
    lilmissblcksunshine, which means that I need to grant and/or give you something, since you got #9000.
    So, make a wish or two and I'll see what I can grant.
    lilmissblcksunshine, did you not notice the link I put down
    also omg you got post #9000 on my wall
    Yeah, she did start her new school. I've been trying to keep in touch with her, but since the only days I have off from class are Wednesday and Friday, and she only logs in about 1pm (my time), it's been tricky to catch her. (I actually haven't talked to her since my classes started, but I had almost a whole week to catch up with her.)

    Also come on chat more. I miss you.
    Are you free as a bird yet?
    Or perhaps free as a hockey player fresh out of the penalty box?
    lilmissblcksunshine, in my defense, I DID say you couldn't.

    And it might not make Rayne your aunt, but it would mean that I was virulent at a young age.
    Lol my computer has now just become a decoration and occasionally someone says "does that work?" and I just laugh and remember that I should go smash it out back
    lilmissblcksunshine, been pretty decent over here as well. Spring break for this week is right now for me, and that (thankfully) gives me free time to relax and do assorted things...including hanging out with friends and such.

    It's really nice to see you again! I'd almost forgotten about you...
    lilmissblcksunshine, hey Lamby - long time no see! =)
    Yeah, for someone who hasn't been around a while, it's a bit odd to see my username change so drastically like that, but I at least tried to look familiar.

    How are you?
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