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  • Lucky Fire, say about what you're nervous over, is what I meant.

    Over the years I've found that sometimes, if you're worried about something, it helps to talk about it 1-on-1 with someone you trust, because usually they'll be able to comfort you.

    I'm not telling you to do it; I'm just advising you. It couldn't hurt and you might stop feeling nervous as a result.
    Lucky Fire, ...still? Do you have exams or something coming up, or are you worried something's going to happen?
    ...I'm guessing you still don't want to say yet, though...
    Lucky Fire, :p indeed.

    So, how are you feeling? Do you feel "another year older, another year wiser" yet?
    :( I missed it :(

    Well, better late than never. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good time.
    Lucky Fire, a tip. If I am saying something in all-caps, then don't take me seriously ;)

    Lucky Fire, a quite? Dangit. I meant to write 'quote'. And since when did you ninja me?

    Also, wasn't the movie "How to Train your Dragon" based off of the book?
    Lucky Fire, so now you have Skylanders 3DS and Skylanders Wii. Pretty cool. What else of note happened on your special day?

    Also it's nice to hear that your favorite quite is one of me being a ninja :D
    Lucky Fire, I'm good too. I'm finally getting hold on the biology project. It's a real relief. :)
    I was going to send you a PM wishing you a happy birthday but I guess I put it off and forgot. :/ So ummm...

    Happy birthday! ^.^ I hope you had a great day full of happiness and whatever other good things a birthday should be full of. =P
    That's great! I'm so happy you had a good day!

    It's been okay. lol You didn't do anything to make me feel sad.
    Oh, than. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a fantabolous day! *hands Lucky Fire a cake. That's nice.

    I guess you could look at it that way.
    No, I don't Do you?

    That's cool. Skylanders? Never heard of that. You like school? I wish I could like school.

    Is today your birthday?
    Lucky Fire, how am I doing? I found out over this weekend that I look quite dashing in a scarf. Thus, I'm wearing it everywhere.

    By the way, before I forget, happy birthday!
    Lucky Fire, anything -shy would be like copying My Little Pony.

    Alissian actually sounds like a gender-ambiguous name, so it could go either way.
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