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  • Lucky Fire, do you know what time zone your profile is set to? (If you don't, you can find and change it in "Edit Options" within the User CP.)

    and I'm pretty sure Tron isn't crazy enough to go find you.
    Lucky Fire, Tron's forum username is Barricade. I'm not sure whether or not he's actually online right now (his name currently shows up on the users online list but he could be afk).

    If you honestly think it's a problem, the next time he does that, ask him to stop. If he doesn't, tell somebody - I'm usually the best person to tell for something like that because I'm not a forum mod (more free time) but I am a chat op (more power) - and then he'll probably stop. (We do kick and/or ban people for harassment.)

    Oh, by the way, he lives a lot farther than 700 miles from you. He's outside the USA.
    Lucky Fire, ...are you referring to me when you say that?

    Alternatively, you could choose to not talk if someone asks you something like that. To be honest I don't think anyone on PB has malicious intent (as I know who all the regulars are), but yeah you can never be too sure.
    Lucky Fire, the cold I had is mostly gone thankfully; whatever's left are just bits and pieces, a tiny bit of congestion.
    And yourself? (also would you like to log on to PB chat and talk there?)
    Lucky Fire, short stories? so you're going to have a large story, followed by a bunch of short ones?
    Lucky Fire, hmm, I see. You're going to give more priority to organizing your Dragons for now?
    Lucky Fire, ah, okay. I wasn't sure because your sentence was wordy and confusing, hence my guess.
    Lucky Fire, so you found a toy you thought you already had in your closet, and you found it behind the door in the guest room?
    Lucky Fire, I'm leaving the decision up to you whether you want to know or not, because it involves you more than it does me.

    On a lighter note...how's things?
    Lucky Fire, success that my quote went unnoticed for so long.

    And are you SURE you want to know?
    I saw some of your posts in the Website Feedback Forum.

    I'll be more than glad to go on PO some time and teach you how to build a good team.
    Lucky Fire, Poor you. I hope you'll get better soon. Good luck with your story :)
    Lucky Fire, heh, you noticed! I was wondering how long that quote would go before someone pointed it out.

    That quote happened on December 14th (look at the post date), so that means it's gone just over a month without being pointed out.

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