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  • LuckyPokeGirl, Nope nothins wrong. I just dont get alot of time to get on here due to school. I am also going to Australia for Christmas!
    I'm in 7th, but since I'm in the advanced classes I'm learning with the advanced 8th graders. My teachers expect a lot out of me and we are rushing to get into Geometery asap.
    Three teachers. Your school is big, mine is small.
    Sure, go ahead.
    LuckyPokeGirl, Nope not at all, in fact I would be honored. :3 You would be, I think, the third person on Pokebeach to use me in a story. =P
    Not at all. And on Sunday, or tomorrow, I'll right another chapter for Pokemon Adventures.
    LuckyPokeGirl, well, not before January 1st anyway. You've got a while to think about it, anyway.
    Or you could not change it at all, if you're satisfied with your name the way it is now.
    LuckyPokeGirl, Lunar Sky? Sky Dragon?
    i dunno, those sound like okay ideas. You don't want the name to be too long, though; Lucky Sky Dragon probably wouldn't roll well.
    LuckyPokeGirl, Lunar Dragon can be shortened to "Lunar" or "Luna". If you want, you could just go with "Luna" (Lunar is taken unfortunately).

    ...if you are just going to change it back January, then what's the point of changing it right now? You'll waste your name change for BOTH years and then be locked into a name that you only like a little bit (maybe).

    Lucky Dragon is passable, Longtail sounds like a monkey or lemur, and Moonsky just sounds silly.
    School has been really stressful, so much work I barely have time for myself aand it's really hard. I spend three hours a night on homework. PLus my teacher gives us a lesson in five minutes and it is hard so I don't learn anything.
    I have always been a straight A student so I don't know how it feels, but that must suck.
    LuckyPokeGirl, Lunar Dragon wasn't a bad idea, actually, but are you sure that's a name that could accurately describe you...AND that you'd be willing to keep for a long time?
    LuckyPokeGirl, well, what kind of name are you going for (like, what do you want in the name)? I can help with thinking up some ideas if you wish.
    LuckyPokeGirl, I already told you, didn't I? It's because there are so few programs you can run on Macs.

    You're honestly considering a name change? Think it over for a bit; are you really set on "Lunar Dragon" or is there something else you're considering?

    and try to do it before Christmas, due to the year-rule
    "Moonsky" sounds cheesy, no offense. And why "Lunar Dragon"?

    also I told you macs were evil
    LuckyPokeGirl, But I get stalked by guesties D:

    Arceus would prank me like that, so really, it's not safe *MrGatr chases fan off his lawn*
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