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  • LuckyPokeGirl, fortunately the dragon is an imaginary character and doesn't know I dissed it.
    I hope.
    LuckyPokeGirl, well, it could have been that instead. It's dark, so bushes could look dark blue just as well as clouds.
    And...well, not to be offensive, but now it looks like a horse...
    LuckyPokeGirl, it's like the fox dragon is peeking from behind some clouds in a starry night sky.
    LuckyPokeGirl, you can have a character loosely based off yourself and give it a name that is nothing like your own. I have one such OC and his name is distinctly Greek, yet I don't have a trace of Greek about my real-life self.
    LuckyPokeGirl, I know you made up the name. I'm saying that I think the character Ozzy is based loosely off yourself, maybe...?
    LuckyPokeGirl, I'm not sure if you can do stuff like that on GIMP or Photoshop; you should be able to, I just don't know how to do it (I haven't tried yet).
    I take it that "Ozzy" is an OC based loosely off yourself?
    LuckyPokeGirl, I thought it looked like a fox because of its head - the face, snout, and ears look rather vulpine. Its claws did also, but claws look similar from creature to creature.

    I take it that's the first time you've drawn using a computer program, right? I know there are other ways to draw on comps that do make them look more realistic (although I don't know what they are), but there is always drawing with pencil and paper. (It works for me; I can't draw anything on a computer from scratch.)
    I thought that was a fox.
    Also I'm not sure why you drew it with 2 eyes on the same side of its head...
    (If this sounds insulting in any way, I'm sorry. It's not supposed to.)
    It's not getting unlocked. They'll only restore select games and yours isn't even on the list.
    So if I offered an existing forum that I'm an admin of, you don't want to try to revive the RP there?
    Sorry it took, me so long to respond, my power went out for the last two days. Thanks for noticing that I added you :)
    LuckyPokeGirl, vacation? How was it?
    Also, I'm not sure what "Entrainment and Games" is... :p
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