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  • [17:00] * DNA thought she had something else to say
    [17:00] * Luckieon waits
    [17:00] <DNA> ...I'm not the she, remember?
    ...although a profession does imply you're doing professional work, and possibly even getting paid for it. I don't think you'd be able to do either in the near future. The far future, possibly, but not right now.
    An author implies that you are going to take up writing as a full-time (or part-time) profession...and before 2012 is over?
    I think you mean you want to work more on your writing.
    It's fine. I don't think you're that greedy.

    Idea, hmm...
    What would you like to happen to you in the near future?
    ...because if he did plot, he wouldn't be my best friend.
    And they don't have to repay you. I wouldn't make anyone indebted to me if I saved their lives...never have, never will.
    Yeah, you probably do talk that way.

    My best friend, of course. That's not even a question :p
    I don't read creepypasta of any kind, actually.


    ...darn I lost it

    ...why do I feel like I'm talking to someone who could pass for my daughter?
    Helps if you know what a Mary Sue is. It's a character in fiction who is effectively flawless and/or 1-dimensional.

    (Yeah, but until you run out, let's hear your ideas.)
    Yes I have. I perused the site's humorous compilation of gifs.
    (and why do I need to think of something again?)
    Victini is banned in Nintendo tournaments by virtue of being event-exclusive. On stuff like fan-organized tournaments, it's usually fine.

    Have I made any Fakemon? Yeah, a couple. (I don't feel like mentioning them though.)
    Thought of anything to talk about? Kinda, but I know better than to say it.
    A base stat total of 525 is none too shabby, actually.

    (Victory Star makes Zen Headbutt 99% accurate and V-Create always hit, which is actually pretty nice if you want good reliable STAB moves.)
    ...now I'm confused as to the significance of the number 57. Eh, no matter.

    99? Reshiram and Zekrom learn their signature strikes at LV100, as do Pokemon such as Shaymin and Mewtwo.
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