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  • Heh, I wouldn't dare ask you to spoil anything for me.

    I'll try and do it right now, at the same time while I'm talking to you :D
    What ideas do you have thus far for it?
    ...which reminds me I haven't made any progress on Cycle today. I should try to do some of it now, but I don't want to miss you and log off :p
    Come up with? You mean you're wondering what you want to happen next? (Is Journey the one with the wolf that almost drowned, or am I thinking of something completely different?)
    What else? Well, you were feeling a bit down, so I wanted to check up.

    What about me? I managed to get off another half-chapter of Cycle over yesterday! and hopefully more today if I get into the mood.
    You should go and see what I posted in the haiku thread. :p I'm a lame haiku writer
    Yes, you must! Give me serious feedback. I really need it.. -.-

    I know it seems weird I get motivated when people critique it, but that's the way I roll.
    Soul of the Tiger. I haven't really received any serious critiques and am looking forward to some. I appreciate that people liked it, but if I don't receive any serious feedback, I lose the motivation to write more.
    I've made progress in the holistic idea of each chapter, but the actual laying down of the details is what I still need to work on. I still haven't worked on Chapter 2, but I'll be working on it today, bit by bit. Hopefully by the end of next week, I get it done.

    And are you planning to stay around? I am now, but I just won't become active if I don't choose to be in some days.
    Lucky Fire, Now you're forgetting the part that his username begins with "s". xP
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