Recent content by luxkill

  1. luxkill

    H:FA Terrakion, Meta W: BW Sets Shinies, Lv.X cards

    RE: kroatia's trading post - Next Destinies EX's, FA, want terrakion FA Hey il trade you my 3x Terrakion NV - Full Art 3x PONT RH 4x Juniper RH 2x Sage's Training RH 2x Junk Arm RH 2x Skyarrow Bridge Rh 1x RH DCE from ND for your zeckrem ex full art, 2 N full art and 3 yanmega prime
  2. luxkill

    Hey do u wanna trade

    Hey do u wanna trade
  3. luxkill

    yea luxray is my favorite pokemon and it got me a invite to worlds 3 times lol 2009 with...

    yea luxray is my favorite pokemon and it got me a invite to worlds 3 times lol 2009 with luxape 2010 with luxchomp 2011 with luxchomp
  4. luxkill

    Full Dark Explorers set for sale including Secrets and RHs

    RE: Loser's Pokeshack | Everything here | Japanese stuff, codes, EXs etc (Updated 3/06) Hey dude I will happily buy those dragon sleaves a full set and the mewtwo deckbox with kyrum for 40 shipped those are gonna look great on my deck for states! pm me to confirm please
  5. luxkill

    [H]: JPN Plasma Gale. Dragon's Exalted FA's, Older EX cards [W]: Look.

    RE: [H]: DRAGON SELECTION! DARK RUSH! Older EX cards [W]: Look. Hello il give you my entei star and luxray gllv x for your sealed white 1st ed booster box and 15 random dragon selectoin cards
  6. luxkill

    Trades [USA] H: Plush Toys VS + EX + FA ULTRA RARE Japanese Promos More W: Many

    RE: H: plush toys thundurus UR japanese promos more W: many the stuff i posted
  7. luxkill

    Trades [USA] H: Plush Toys VS + EX + FA ULTRA RARE Japanese Promos More W: Many

    RE: H: plush toys thundurus UR japanese promos more W: many i dont have a trade thread
  8. luxkill

    Trades [USA] H: Plush Toys VS + EX + FA ULTRA RARE Japanese Promos More W: Many

    RE: H: plush toys thundurus UR japanese promos more W: many Hello for your toy factory 6 in shinx plush toy factory 6 in squirtle plush jaks munchlax 5 inch plush banpresto zorua 3 inch toy factory 9 in turtwig for my 1 shaymin ul regigigas ex full art CoL- holo fire rewards one...
  9. luxkill

    im seein some strange clouds right now =]

    im seein some strange clouds right now =]
  10. luxkill

    UPDATED 2/26! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more!

    RE: UPDATED 2/21! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more! Hey il give you my 3 gothitelle ep 1 is reverse and pokemon catcher for your 10 noble victories papcks
  11. luxkill

    lol scammer

    lol scammer
  12. luxkill

    New, updated list! Got ALL sorts, so come check! PR's, Jumbo's, JPN, the works!

    RE: BlastBurn [H] Pokemon*'s, Mag Prime, Reshi FA, and tons more! CML hey could you do my fa reshiram ad fa zeckrem for youy magnezone prime
  13. luxkill

    1st place Bentonville BRs.

    nice job i dont know if i have met you but i live up in mo too but havent realy ben active since nats but are you going to the br at bang in the Mid Rivers mall?
  14. luxkill

    the worst moment of your life

    when my moms house burnt down and my dog dying in the fire
  15. luxkill

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    RE: Fungible Trading! H: BW, Primes, *s, all HS-On Trainers W: Trade Me Your Bulk! my pachi col your 4 typlosion prime pack