RE: kroatia's trading post - Next Destinies EX's, FA, want terrakion FA
Hey il trade you my
3x Terrakion NV - Full Art
4x Juniper RH
2x Sage's Training RH
2x Junk Arm RH
2x Skyarrow Bridge Rh
1x RH DCE from ND
for your zeckrem ex full art, 2 N full art and 3 yanmega prime
RE: Loser's Pokeshack | Everything here | Japanese stuff, codes, EXs etc (Updated 3/06)
Hey dude I will happily buy those dragon sleaves a full set and the mewtwo deckbox with kyrum for 40 shipped those are gonna look great on my deck for states! pm me to confirm please
RE: [H]: DRAGON SELECTION! DARK RUSH! Older EX cards [W]: Look.
Hello il give you my entei star and luxray gllv x for your sealed white 1st ed booster box and 15 random dragon selectoin cards
RE: H: plush toys thundurus UR japanese promos more W: many
Hello for your
toy factory 6 in shinx plush
toy factory 6 in squirtle
plush jaks munchlax 5 inch
plush banpresto zorua 3 inch
toy factory 9 in turtwig
for my 1 shaymin ul
regigigas ex full art
CoL- holo fire rewards one...
RE: UPDATED 2/21! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more!
Hey il give you my 3 gothitelle ep 1 is reverse and pokemon catcher for your 10 noble victories papcks
nice job i dont know if i have met you but i live up in mo too but havent realy ben active since nats but are you going to the br at bang in the Mid Rivers mall?