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  • blazikenlv100, out of the Big Three (Jump Three, Shonen Three, Jump Three blah whatever) One Piece is my favorite. And yes, Naruto is okay, It's characters are great and all that but it's just i've ALWAYS had a problem getting into it.
    blazikenlv100, heh, NO. I don't really like Naruto. I'm not one of those haters that say "Bweeh it sucks just cause" I have real reasons for not liking it. And no, the fandom didn't ruin it for me. I actually like the characters and storyline but it just didn' for me, you know? Ha...sorry if I dissapointed you though. I've tried but just can't get into it!
    blazikenlv100, oh right.
    How about Bulk Up/MegaHorn/Brick Break/Counter OR Aerial Ace OR Earthquake?
    blazikenlv100, 252 HP / 136 Def / 120 SpA Relaxed, Leftovers, Surf/EQ/Ice Beam/Protect

    He uses Protect every other turn for max Lefties recovery and just swings away with great power.
    blazikenlv100, oh. right.
    Swampert is one scary guy, but he's amazing when on your side. I have one that's near indestructible.
    blazikenlv100, Heracross alone shouldn't scare you away from using Metagross. After one Agility, Metagross becomes nigh unstoppable.
    Sometimes I play in the Battle Frontier, but I mix and match my team a bit. Right now my team is Blaziken/Sceptile/Swampert. I almost won 8 tournaments in the Dome, but lost to a Heracross which may or may not have been Scarfed. (Blaziken, unfortunately, doesn't have a +Speed nature.)

    I didn't lose to hax, though, so I'm proud of that!
    blazikenlv100, PokeRus simply doubles EV gains received by the Pokemon. There are a few different ways to count, but just so long as you pick one system and stick with it, you'll do fine. I myself do a PP count on how much PP I've used for EV training, and sometimes I use my trading cards to count also (e.g. when EV training Attack, killing a Carvanha counts as 1 card and a Sharpedo counts as 2, in a string of about 100 or so).

    I WISH I had PokeRus in Gen 3, though!
    blazikenlv100, without access to a Ditto, a bunch of female Pokemon (especially starters) are one of the greatest assets you can have.
    blazikenlv100, Rock Slide is a move tutor move in...
    Oh right. You have Ruby. The tutor is in FRLG and Emerald.
    blazikenlv100, a Pokemon with PokeRus gains twice the EVs after each battle. It can also spread the 'Rus to other members in the party after each battle. If it stays 3 days outside the box, it can't spread it anymore, but the EV doubling effect persists.

    So yeah, infect something random, store it in your box, and keep it to infect more peeps for EV training later!
    ~Pokemon Ruby Update
    Horse to lv 50
    Magnemite to lv 50
    Baltoy to lv 45
    Kirlia to lv 47
    Corsola(male) In Daycare leveling up to 39
    Preparing to breed with femal Tentacool

    blazikenlv100, tricky, but probably well worth it. Just make sure it goes well with the rest of your team!
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