Recent content by magmurder

  1. M

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    i don't really know the value of a gible. is there anything in particular your looking for?
  2. M

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    I need a adament gible low lv with earthquake! Like i need it TODAY or TOMMOROW! please someone help me i'm about to do a big battle and NEED this gible quick!
  3. M

    What they should've (or shouldn't have) made..

    pokemon cards had been all about evolves for so long. when sp's were made the format shifted to basics. as for what they shouldn't have done. no unown g so machamp could CRUSH all those stupid and annoying sp!
  4. M

    wow. just wow. i'm amazed. check this link out. its incredible.
  5. M

    Ruling spiritomb + goods

    lol. i'm sure that this question has been asked before but i can't find it.if i have a spritomb AR active can my opponent play a pokemon communicator which is a "goods" card?
  6. M

    worst sg2 pokemon in format

    c'mon! this should be fun and funny! not people dissing other peoples opinions! anyone else?
  7. M

    worst sg2 pokemon in format

    I thought it would be fun for everyone to put in their 2 cents on what they thought was the WORST stage 2 pokemon in the DP-HGSS format. Example: Slaking PT Luxray DP Exploud GE Have fun!