BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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I need a adament gible low lv with earthquake! Like i need it TODAY or TOMMOROW! please someone help me i'm about to do a big battle and NEED this gible quick!
I have just bred your Adamant Gible. It doesn't have EQ, but I'll attach an EQ TM since I have dozens of them. What are you offering?
Meh, Mareep is a measly common anyway, so I'll take any dark type, as long as it is not a dog (i.e. no Houndoom or Mightyena, or their prevo's)
shadelon: i have to get my friend code. i also have to figure out what dark types i have. i havent played in awhile.
i don't really know the value of a gible. is there anything in particular your looking for?
I'm looking for a legit ut dratini or beldum, preferably with high ivs. I will trade shinies. Or legends for them. (if you can find a perfect or almost perfect Iv'd one I'll trade up to 3 shinies or legends for it.)
AJ! do u have a ditto?

Aj1234119 said:
I'm looking for a legit ut dratini or beldum, preferably with high ivs. I will trade shinies. Or legends for them. (if you can find a perfect or almost perfect Iv'd one I'll trade up to 3 shinies or legends for it.)

do u have a ditto?
GossipGirlXOXO said:
i have a dratini. btw, can u clone a shiny celebi for me?

Oh sure. I'll give you ditto and clone celebii. So have any other shiny pokmon? I can clone them and give you 2 back. Also just wondering is the celebii legit?
Aj1234119 said:
Oh sure. I'll give you ditto and clone celebii. So have any other shiny pokmon? I can clone them and give you 2 back. Also just wondering is the celebii legit?

im not sure. i got it off of a trade on pokebeach and i didnt ask if it was.
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