BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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Hi, I'm new here and just signed up today. :) anyways, does someone have a raiku or ho oh they would trade for my darkrai? It's not hacked and obtained from a wifi event. Lv 50 never been trained
Looking for a Competitive Level 50 Team to use at States Championship. Will trade anything in my Haves for it. Please PM if you have one, so i don't have to keep check here all the time.
Need a celibi, will trade my darkrai or shaymin.
Also have lots of great OU pokemon with the right natures. PM with any offers you may have! ;)
Okay, I'm looking for a few things.
-EV'd Dusknoir (252 SpA, 252 Speed, 4 HP) with Dark Pulse, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, and Pain Split
-EV'd Lucario (252 Att, 252 Spe, 4 HP) with Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Extreme Speed, and Dragon Pulse
-Garchomp EV'd (252 Att, 252 Spe, 4 HP) with Outrage, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Fire Fang
-EV'd Metagross (252 HP, 236 Att, 12 Def, 8 Spe) with Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Explosion
-An EV'd Blaziken (252 SpA, 4 SpD, and 252 Spe) with Sky Uppercut
-An EV'd Nidoqueen (252 HP, 216 Def, 40 Spe) with Earthquake, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Toxic Spikes)

If you get one of these, PM me, and I'll make sure you get something good in return. And perhaps a nice little item as a bonus =P
Glaceon259 said:
I would like an event Jirachi and I will trade ANYTHING for an event Jirachi. Please trade me

would a gamestop jirachi be good? If so I'd give it to you for an entae or a shiny
Glaceon259 said:
I would like an event Jirachi and I will trade ANYTHING for an event Jirachi. Please trade me

I have wshmkr or whatever it's called. Do you have any event pokemon you'd trade for it?
You said you wanted an event jirachi....

I have the gamestop one too.

So any events?
Glaceon259 said:
deal...will u be on at 7:50? Cause i gtg somewhere untill 7:45. ill trade u at 7:50 if that is alright with u...ok?

sure. AND Julia if you want a celebii I'll give 1 to you for a raiku or entae

Pm Me when your ready
Hmm, anyone got a heart scale? I'm willing to give a Lucky Egg, a masterball, or a TM.
Looking for Female Calm Togetic, doesn't matter if it's hacked or anything, I'm going to breed it anyways. If you don't have, then Calm Ditto. Offering any starter, Dratini, Larvitar, Beldum, Phanpy, pls PM me

EDIT: got one :) tnx for the trade
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