Woa dude... I just got a book about my family history on my biological dad's side of the family from my Aunt Bonita. Here are some of the more interesting things I learned from that book:
1) When I was little, I wore glasses. Also, one of my eyes was (and still is) much weaker than my other. To try and fix it, until I was 5, I had to have a patch cover my strong eye for 4 hours a day so my weak eye would get stronger. That never happened.
2) When I was little, I hated my glasses and would bury them in our backyard. Unfortunately, I always forgot to bury the string to them, so my mom always found them. THAT is the reason I stopped wearing glasses.
3) When my biological dad was little, he karate chopped his male kindergarden teacher in the balls. I betcha this is where I inherit my violence from

. Also, he was a bar bouncer when he was in his mid-20s.
4) My great-grandfather, Arthur Broeffle, was a mathematical guiness and developed several famous formulas. Perhaps that's where I get my brains from? ;D
5) My biological father, Craig, would often beat people up with baseballs when he was 3. :3
I know, my family is 20x more interesting now. :]