Steelix is good because it resists Mewtwo, but I found a reason why it is bad acually. Every time a Special Metal is added, Mewtwo's damage output goes up .
I don't like Terrakion in Truth though. Starting with it is bad, and if you want to use a different attacker your stuck, though that is the same with Donphan.
And against most EXs Reshiram could be knocked out because Mewtwo 120 with just 2 energy to a loaded Reshiram, and most of the other EXs can knock it out. If only there was a way to sneak on an Eviolite...
Mr. Tea, in the Blastzel list? I don't plan for it, but I have not actually done a serious consideration for the Blastzel list (I prefer to do things one at a time).
Blastgatr is garbage; Blastzel's where it's at. Though, with the decklist I'm trying, I might have to run Gatr as the engine. It just...doesn't fit my playstyle, though, so I will probably just go Floatzel a lot.
Mr. Tea, I've actually got a couple ideas for decks in the making. One of them is Victini Donk (I'm serious); the other is a redesign of Blastoise. I'm trying to think of lists for them and see if either works well. Failing that, I can always fall back on Gengar.
I've been pretty good for the most part. I had a cold all this week unfortunately but it seems to have finally abated. Earlier today I actually had a Wifi battle (Pokemon Black) with a good friend of mine...I lost 2-0, which isn't bad considering I didn't have much practice, and his Vaporeon was absolutely evil.