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  • Tyraniking, Going by my 4 BW packs and 7 NV packs:

    Virizion FA, Zoroark BW, RH Switch, 3x Super Rod, N, 2x Cobalion, 1x Vanilluxe Line, Cryogonal, Victini (V-Blast), Damagriigus Line, RH V-Create Victini.

    Would you be willing to trade your two Cobalions for anything?
    Tyraniking, Lucky. Did you get any good pulls in your prize packs? I got some neat stuff.

    My strange comparison: Pokemon cards are like cigarettes. A pack of Pokemon cards costs just as much as a pack of cigarettes, and a booster box of Pokemon cards costs as much as a carton of cigarettes. Pokemon cards also are addicting. SO I'm going to try to get my uncle to play Pokemon competitively instead of smoking. It might save his life :D
    Tyraniking, Same. I saw it in my binder yesterday, and was like OMGOMGOGMOMG

    Cofragrigus/Reuniclus :O
    Tyraniking, lol. Imma gonna run either Cobalion/Kyurem/Electrode or Bearplume
    Lol.Good job!You did really well. *Gives you high five for doing really well* Glad the testing payed off.You shoulda tested more against gothlitelle will be sure to read your report ;)
    Lol.I get what you mean.What do you mean it was a miracle you would go?I told you.I knew you would make changes.You better get a good rest and good breakfast tomorrow.
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