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  • Meaty, there were some pretty good booty shots in the game, I will say that. ; )
    lol I know right. I want to see more of Anthony ... his character was enjoyable to say the least.

    I still don't get why people complain about Other M. I've heard people say it's sexist ... how? I guess because a man telling her what to do can be considered sexist, but she treated Adam like a father. My friend who played the game before I did said it made her look like a dumb blonde since she didn't stop the metroids, she broke down to Ridley, thought she was the reason Anthony died, and lets the Federation get away with their crimes. My friend never really got into Metroid seriously, so he hasn't played a lot of the games. I forgot some of the things I told him to prove his points wrong, but the main one was about Ridley. Samus has faced Ridley so many times that he's more of a symbol that reminds her of her failures. What happened in Other M was disbelief and doubt. She thought Ridley was dead for sure in Super Metroid, so it's perfectly fine to be shocked. Second thing was she was doubtful she could beat him. It seems like as the series goes on, Ridley gains more power and just never dies. She would've died for sure if Anthony was not there.

    I forgot where I read this, but Samus has PTSD. It perfectly explains why she seems weaker in Other M. As if Ridley wasn't enough, she watched the closest thing she had to a child get blown up above her as the remains covered her.

    Plus the fact that this is the first title she talks or is actually given a personallity. I'd rather know that the hero of the story has flaws and problems. It makes them more human. It's better than a beautiful, sexy women that will kill you at any moment.

    I probably ranted too much. Nice to see another Metroid fan. :3
    A few days ago, a friend and I arranged to have an MK7 race at 10 P.M. EST tonight. Would you be interested in joining? Sorry for the short notice.

    P.S. Happy belated birthday. Every time one of these happens, I tell myself I'm going to check the birthdays every day. I just never get around to it.
    Aw, thanks everyone. (As if the 75 and counting facebook posts weren't enough.)
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