Hello Momo! I saw you inquiring about my art and Let me just show you some examples on what I do. I like to draw peoples pokemon teams with their OC/Trainer. I can also draw team logo's for if you wanted to mass print them for your Pokemon League! www.Fearzy.Tumblr.com www.Digiko.deviantart.com
If you are interested, send me a pm and I'd be happy to arrange something with you! ^u^ ~~♥
momoxmomo, sure! I found myself on that list, but here's my FC so you don't have to search for it: 0259-0462-0389 My X name is RedRoosterX and Y is RedRoosterY.
momoxmomo, no its fine I was just surprised because i did not know they can change I even saw the pokemon in my friends safari and it said Seviper,Swalot, and Drapion so well I`ll look into this. On a side note how good is the toxicroak?
I apologize for not telling you sooner but I needed to access your Safari Pokemon cause I was trying to get a Gyarados with 2 Perfect IV's to breed with which I did however it didn't come up with the way I wanted with the Stats Judge. Again no hard feelings although I appreciate your help with identifying what's in my Friend Safari though.
I just recently found mine out from a friend of mine, my Safari is Rock Type with Corsola and Dwebble not sure about the third Pokemon yet. I'll add your FC here shortly...