J J Jirachi Jan 18, 2012 Hi. I am wondering if you had an extra kyurem you could spare...(nudge nudge wink wink hint hint) or a magnezone prime...
Hi. I am wondering if you had an extra kyurem you could spare...(nudge nudge wink wink hint hint) or a magnezone prime...
S S sillykyle Jan 18, 2012 So I guess I had forgotten this, but I haven't actually played a game yet so my list was never a problem. XD
So I guess I had forgotten this, but I haven't actually played a game yet so my list was never a problem. XD
dBlue Jan 16, 2012 Legit works on Subway wifi Here you are for now (you'll notice it is unfinished, the ear isn't colored and he's kind of rough around the edges): http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/016/4/7/flaafy_by_rainbowlizardguy-d4mk7yz.png
Legit works on Subway wifi Here you are for now (you'll notice it is unfinished, the ear isn't colored and he's kind of rough around the edges): http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/016/4/7/flaafy_by_rainbowlizardguy-d4mk7yz.png
dBlue Jan 15, 2012 Umm, maybe. We'll see if I have time. I should, but, I don't know what my parents have planned.