Haha, I actually met a guy like you from Guatemala when I first started playing, he came up with very deck possibility and more of them.

I still remember the last time I played against him in a tournament about 2 months ago, he played some sort of Kingdra/Dusknoir/Suicune/Reshiram deck. I guess you guys are the next google Cawthon. xD And I heavily dislike playing the international Metagame's decks. The most "meta" I've played is a Plasmatisse deck, but with Mewtwo and Lugia as the main attackers. But the deck I'm the most proud about: The Stage 1 Mash Up. It's a doohickey of Pokémon, it's somewhere in the Deck Garage if you want to check it out.

I came up 3rd in that Tournament.