Machamp The Champion Jun 8, 2014 MountainDrew, That happened like a month ago; where have you been? Thanks, though!
Machamp The Champion Mar 3, 2014 MountainDrew, I'm going to MD and PA. Sadly, I'll have to miss the Delaware one, but I should almost definitely be able to go to the other 2.
MountainDrew, I'm going to MD and PA. Sadly, I'll have to miss the Delaware one, but I should almost definitely be able to go to the other 2.
Blui Feb 12, 2014 MountainDrew, I guess if you're not playing them then that's a pretty good deal. But Dusknoir is a really good card to keep
MountainDrew, I guess if you're not playing them then that's a pretty good deal. But Dusknoir is a really good card to keep
Blui Feb 12, 2014 MountainDrew, Darkrai/Yveltal for the one this weekend. Need to borrow Yveltals though, unless I get some in my box. You preparing for any tournaments?
MountainDrew, Darkrai/Yveltal for the one this weekend. Need to borrow Yveltals though, unless I get some in my box. You preparing for any tournaments?
Blui Feb 8, 2014 MountainDrew, ~40 degrees Celsius next week we have a cities (yeah we're slow) on a day where it's meant to be 45. So not fun.
MountainDrew, ~40 degrees Celsius next week we have a cities (yeah we're slow) on a day where it's meant to be 45. So not fun.
Blui Feb 6, 2014 MountainDrew, yeah I'm good, just started school again though. What's happening where you are?
Elbow Jan 27, 2014 Sorry, I don't have it, but I will be getting a box in a few weeks so if I get it I will see if we can still trade.
Sorry, I don't have it, but I will be getting a box in a few weeks so if I get it I will see if we can still trade.
Elbow Jan 27, 2014 Hey, I am really interested in your Xerneas EX FA if you still have it and are willing to trade it. If so what do you need?
Hey, I am really interested in your Xerneas EX FA if you still have it and are willing to trade it. If so what do you need?
Machamp The Champion Jan 25, 2014 MountainDrew, That's great to hear! I won't be going to the New Holland one, sadly. The Wilmington one is on the same day, so I'll be going there.
MountainDrew, That's great to hear! I won't be going to the New Holland one, sadly. The Wilmington one is on the same day, so I'll be going there.