Zyflair Sep 11, 2012 Coffee is too good. My liver would die. You do know it's really an insecticide, right?
Ice Arceus Sep 11, 2012 Martini, with all of them? lol Hmmm. Well I can't give you any other advice besides read up on some VG stuff.
Martini, with all of them? lol Hmmm. Well I can't give you any other advice besides read up on some VG stuff.
Ice Arceus Sep 11, 2012 Martini, lol you would Gatr. Just talk to him. I don't know much about VG, so I don't tend to post there. I'm more into the Community Works section.
Martini, lol you would Gatr. Just talk to him. I don't know much about VG, so I don't tend to post there. I'm more into the Community Works section.
Ice Arceus Sep 11, 2012 Martini, or did they? :O Doing okay. I'm quite sick right now, so I don't feel like doing much of anything (including my hw). How are you?
Martini, or did they? :O Doing okay. I'm quite sick right now, so I don't feel like doing much of anything (including my hw). How are you?
Zyflair Sep 10, 2012 http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/531505_335581649860846_1944254870_n.jpg
Sep 10, 2012 Yes, it does. Learn Spanish while you are still young. It's the easiest to memorize words and phrases from, and it's a good gateway to other Latin-based languages like French and Italian.
Yes, it does. Learn Spanish while you are still young. It's the easiest to memorize words and phrases from, and it's a good gateway to other Latin-based languages like French and Italian.
Zyflair Sep 10, 2012 You make it sound like I won't be honest over these things. The only good avatars are Eeveelution avatars. EDIT: Actually squirtli is an exception.
You make it sound like I won't be honest over these things. The only good avatars are Eeveelution avatars. EDIT: Actually squirtli is an exception.