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  • Martini, Gothiclus w/ Serpderp. I can get you a really fast list- one top cut regs last year.
    Martini, I have one very good one, but I want it to be a surprise for regionals.
    Martini, Nationals, 2009-2010 season: I beat noob, they scream and have a tantrum and stuff. The surprising part is that nobody really looked at him when he did that or anything. Every time I've gone to nats I've made a kid cry. It's really awkward. e_0
    Martini, And I will yell at you and flip the table over and cry...

    ...nah jk lol! However, I have had plenty of opponents do that to me before, have you?
    Martini, Most likely Darkrai/Hydra/techs

    BTW heard u sucked at algebra...

    x = [-b ± sqr(b² - 4ac)]/2a
    ^ Only works for quadratic fuctions in the form y = ax² + bx + c

    y - y1 = b(x - x1) is Point Slope Form, assuming that the values of y, b, and x are the same as they are in Slope Intercept form ( y = mx + b ).

    You also might want to google about factoring cubic and quarticn functions, assuming you already know quadratics. Also google multiplying matrices... that will make your life easier, too.

    Also, is this course you're taking just algebra or does it have Geometry in it, too? When I took Algebra 3 or 4 years ago, it also included half of Geometry and Trig. If you need help on any of that stuff, let me know. ^_^
    Dark Giratina

    And everyone else that I talk to...

    (Especially Zyflair <3 you Big Grin)
    [Image: 160.]

    what the crap man
    I didn't get a metion :<<<<<<
    Look for me hanging around Scott, Yorri, and Taren if I go. However, I'd probably notice you first. :p

    Are you still in Seniors?
    If I miss my flight to MN this Friday, then I will go to Utah (if there are BRs there, that is).
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