Martini, Yes I do. I suppose I could let you friend me, but just please don't post weird stuff or anything like that on my wall/message me with weird stuff.
Martini, If by "breakthroughs" you mean "being lazy on Spring Break", then yes, I've had many instances of that. Right now I'm working on YouTube stuff, so I'm having fun with that while I can. Anyways, if you're on later tonight, hit me up for a battle to test your team. Good to hear from you again, PO is EXTREMELY boring without you.
Martini, Hey dude! Haven't seen you in forever. Yeah, I'm still here, doing what little I can, and I still love it. How are things with you?
Slow. I was making serious progress on Chapter Six, Part Two of Feral Twilight until I started working again. Then I sort of pushed it off to the side. I literally haven't written anything new since last weekend if not before.
Ideally, she should be out of the nursing home before the end of April if not sooner. But it's all a matter of if she starts to walk on her own again.