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  • Martini,

    Ahhh, I figured it was that but wanted to make sure. I suppose it can work, a limiting format can sometimes make every deck look the same, which I think would be the only problem. But otherwise, yea, I am sure it can work.

    Well, I am hardly important, but I suppose I appreciate the thought.

    I don't really get the idea though, would the participants all have to play the same deck? Who is 'we'? We, as in the participants? Are they building the deck?

    And again I appreciate the thought, but my time is a bit limited right now. But I am sure who ever you get will be great.
    I don't really want to do a random trade for just commons, I want to save stamps for important things. But thanks for the offer. (I really only bumped my thread to keep my Seller Status.)

    But yeah, how you been?
    Martini, Like I said, busy. School, work, you know the drill. It's to the point where things have calmed down a bit, though.
    I was about to go with NV too. It was going to be Elgyem and Victini, but then I was like nah...

    Is Legend Box in UD too? I could see it working, especially because decks will be so small.
    Martini, I agree. I haven't really talked (for more than 10 minutes) to anyone on PokeBeach for a really long time. :[ Mostly because I've been too busy. Ah well, that's life for ya. Anyways, how have you been?
    Martini, To play a legend you must have both pieces in your hand to lay it down. You may not start the game with it in play or as your active, but if you have another basic to put as your active, you may lay RDL down if you have both pieces on your first turn. Keep in mind. You may only run four pieces total of any legend since both halves are technically the same card.
    Martini, Yes. RDL is both Normal type and Psychic type. So, Ozone Buster (I think that is the attack) will do 300 damage to Mewtwo EX getting you three prizes.
    Martini, Sorry, I'm really busy. I'm fixing up an article that's going up tomorrow, and I have a lot of homework.

    I would not suggest playing Donphan + Yanmega though. It's a really bad deck.
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