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  • I should mention that my phone's just a Pantech, and not one that would support chat anyways even with the FB app. I've tried other things too, and they just don't seem to work right since I don't always have a steady signal.

    Anyways, it's going alright. It's actually been unseasonably warm here. We had a snow storm on New Year's Eve, but anything we got is starting to melt again.

    Other than that, I've been trying to work on FT again as well as a couple art projects. Hopefully I'll have something ready by Monday, but I'm not sure if I will.
    No. I don't actually see the point since I can log onto Facebook via mobile web anyways. Not to mention my phone only has so much memory, and unnecessary apps use it up.
    MrGatr, yes, that's a pretty fair price. It's current to the JP market's prices once you factor in the yen to dollar rate.
    MrGatr, Who? What? Where? Next week will be ponies again...as usual...blah blah blah der her ler sner.....
    MrGatr, No, they changed that a few years ago. You used to be able to use the Japanese version if you had a reference. However, they wanted to make more money, so they made it so you can't use foreign language cards in your deck. :(
    It's okay. I just traded for a Tropical Beach! (The card) I am happy about that! And I am trying to get my Dad to play. He said I had to do something in exchange. So, I need to make my Dad a deck. :)
    Need anything for yours? As you could probably see, I dont have many extra good cards anymore. :( And I might not run Eelzone. Donphan is getting bigger in my area.
    Well, my trades need to be updated. A lot of my cards were stolen at a tourney

    I don't think I could help with a deck for next set. We don't even know what will be good or what exactly will be in the set. I can help you when the set comes out.
    Why don't you post your list in the Deck Garage so a lot of people can help, including myself.
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