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  • No, but coincidentally my mom got sick for taking long walks in the bitter cold last week to try and keep up her exercise regimen.
    Well, Chapter Four is over half done and I posted Chapter Three last Wednesday. Also, I have the Ronac Fakedex ready to repost tomorrow.
    haha its just that I'm subscribed to your thread and it just so happened that I wanted some stunfisks :p
    People thought it would be OU when B/W was first released, but nowadays, there are a lot of Pokemon than do it's job better. Plus, Ground/Dark is horrible typing.
    Alright, considering how I got four games I wanted for Christmas. Also, who are you again?
    Oh, nothing much. Enjoying New Year's with some friends, waiting till school starts back up, lol.
    Martini, A minimal amount. It's freaking cold though; it hasn't been above 20 for the past week.
    Martini, It's mostly personal preference, I've found that Cheren/Bianca work better. It's up to you.
    Martini, 14 Supporters :D

    Alright, definitely take out a Terrakion for a Bouffalant. Terrakion does nothing in that meta.

    For supporters, I would run: 4 Juniper, 4 N, 3 Skyla, 3 Cheren/Bianca. I don't like Random Reciever because there's no garuntee of what you'll get.
    Martini, Aspierta Eels wrecks Landorus, they have a hard time getting past Tornadus EX and if they use something like Mewtwo to take it down, you'll have your own Mewtwos ready to go.

    If you're going to play Ho-oh in that meta, make sure you run SSU and 3 Mewtwo. You really don't want to start Ho-oh against Keldeo and you're going to need to get it off the field if you do. Mewtwo singlehandedly takes down Blastoise/Keldeo, so just be wary of Shaymin (which you can obliterate with a Ho-oh at the end of the game) and you should be fine.

    Also, the deck that they run seems very inconsistent, so you can beat them simply through consistency. How many supporters do you run?
    Martini, Ho-oh doesn't seem like a bad option for that meta.

    However, is there any chance you could play Eels? Eels straight up destroys every single deck that you just described. It has higher than 60-40 matchups against every single one of those.
    Martini, If you tell me what decks are popular in your area, I could help you out.
    Martini, Besides all the forum drama, nothing much. I just got back from vacation in Canada, which was fun. My school also decided to give a bajillion hours of homework over break >_>.

    As for Pokémon related stuff, I've been doing a ton of testing of decks (Keldeo/Blastoise being the main one) for the upcoming Cities and Regionals that I'm going to. Maybe I'll actually get some CP lol.

    And you?
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