Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, What with terrakion? Can you give me a breakdown in percentage of what the seniors are playing?
Martini, What with terrakion? Can you give me a breakdown in percentage of what the seniors are playing?
Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, You don't like Terren? Wynaut? I've beat him like 20 times and he respects me. wait hes still in seniors whats he playing
Martini, You don't like Terren? Wynaut? I've beat him like 20 times and he respects me. wait hes still in seniors whats he playing
Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, oh her. she's kinda a *Insert bad word here* btw simba once went to league at arbys with gay pride posters. No joke, hes gayyyyy
Martini, oh her. she's kinda a *Insert bad word here* btw simba once went to league at arbys with gay pride posters. No joke, hes gayyyyy
Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, No. Most of the people I know there are my friends (Trevor, Scott, Simba, Sage, Yorri, Taren) so yea
Martini, No. Most of the people I know there are my friends (Trevor, Scott, Simba, Sage, Yorri, Taren) so yea
Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, You should really stick out then I'll probably either be wearing a Nats shirt from this year or an Oshawott shirt.
Martini, You should really stick out then I'll probably either be wearing a Nats shirt from this year or an Oshawott shirt.
Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, On Saturday, look for the short kid with unbrushed hair and glasses. What do you look like? /creeper
Martini, On Saturday, look for the short kid with unbrushed hair and glasses. What do you look like? /creeper
Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, I took that photo like 2 seconds ago with my phone He's going to get owned
Martini, I took that photo like 2 seconds ago with my phone He's going to get owned
Nigel Dec 4, 2012 Martini, yesssss do you have a terrakion I can borrow? I'm playing Landorus-EX (THREE LANDORUSES!!!)/Terrakion/Mewtwo/Bouffalant
Martini, yesssss do you have a terrakion I can borrow? I'm playing Landorus-EX (THREE LANDORUSES!!!)/Terrakion/Mewtwo/Bouffalant