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  • select new profile on the launcher and tell it to use 1.6.1 -.-

    BTW, I put a book in a chest at x=-169 z=-76 (about 50 blocks east of the desert portal exit). It has the coordinates for near where I set up the golem grinder in case you get on when I'm not on.
    I got a pretty good start (and I can use /tpa commands :D). if we both get on at the same time I can tp you to the golem grinder i just finished (blaze grinder progress: Spawner found and disabled)
    indeed. I'm good at making grinders/farms/generators, but resource collection isn't quite my thing... (but as you know from Spoggs' last server, I somehow know where to find good mines :p)

    Anyway, the Ubers team, We Three Kings, is up. Frankly though I would have called it "5 Kings' Council" if I could think of the proper terms to associate with Palkia and Rayquaza.
    I hope to make it soon. This weekend is kind of a bust (I'm out camping. My wifi device works out here, but it's been having a tendency to lose its signal at unexpected times).
    eh, I've done doubles in the past, plus I played on the Reborn PO server (where anything goes in OU except the VGC banlist. And yes, evasion abounds there) long enough to know how to deal with Veilchomp, SS Kingdra in permarain, and even Excadrill (their tiers are very broken. they allow 'drill in OU, but ban Aerodactyl all the way up to UU).

    There isn't too much I would need to learn, but then again I doubt I'll ever even be able to play competitive VGC often enough for it to be worthwhile. Sure, there's always PO, but not may people seem to play VGC anymore there (and PS still hates me).

    additionally, about that discussed... er- item, you were going to put up. Was it a no-go or will the 3rd gen re-creation rise*?

    (*=vagueness intended due to the location of this post. My PMs tend to be read, then forgotten, as is my experience with *cough* certain other people)
    I don't care much for Pokemon's battle system, or at least much beyond rock-paper-scissors. :X
    Ack, I've been waiting for a week for you to get back to me, but my request still stands. I don't have time to do this tonight, but it would only be singles. I generally don't battle in double or triple matches unless I have to.

    When you get time again, let me know. It's just late here for me right now, and I was about to go to bed.
    now it's my turn to say "Get online :D"

    anyway, I think I'll do the Ubers team. If you get on before I post it, I should be able to switch the the OU team if you think it'd be worth doing first.
    sorry 'bout that, I kinda missed your post since I wasn't on long (I was just checking for new posts while I updated my iPod).

    BTW, which would you rather see as my new RMT (I can't decide -.-)? An slightly unorthodox, yet highly effective Ubers rain team (named 'We Three Kings') or a slightly 'illegal*' OU monoground team that is strangely hard to beat even in regular OU (named 'Grounding Out').

    (* = illegal according to most monotype ban-lists because it uses permaweather)
    You a scamy scam spam ham scam bayesian filter.
    Yes, both. By the way, did you get your BW2 game back yet or no? I'd like to battle you sometime when I get a chance.
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