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  • Stalled out until I finish Black 2. I haven't written anything new in weeks, just keeping up with my mod duties.
    To my knowledge, he has a lot of projects going on at school, so he's going to be inactive.
    About the same. We have had cold nights, though.
    No, but that is related in the sense that they bring back memories of olden days.
    Nostalgia is just a term for reminiscing or daydreaming about times long past. It also ties into desiring things that you can't get back or obtain, which is the central theme of my stories.
    Eww, please tell me Feral Twilight doesn't involve sparkly emo vampires and a selfish heroine that trys to seem all innocent....
    Martini, somebody lied and said they were a senior and got permabanned from the game :[

    That's not cool at all D:
    You watch CSI? There was one episode where they had a guy in a fursuit get shot and it drove furries nuts! In any case, they do sell kigus on Ebay, but I don't shop on it. I got my seal one elsewhere. I would link it, but I'm not about to break the rules about advertising. Also, I don't think you would like their prices.
    I'M JUST TEASING! Besides, fursuits are expensive and way out of my budget. Now, animal jammies and kigus are a little more affordable. Kind of pricy, but still worth the money. I also wanted to get a Pikachu one just for fun, but online stores that sell them are kind of rare.
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