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  • Mmm, be glad you didn't make a bet with me, or you would have a crossdressing Pikachu avatar! ;D
    I was referring to the topic of the next haiku.

    But you know, fine. I'll take that. Send me a link to the avvy of your choice and I'll send you mine.
    Martini, you do have to play a bit more cautiously with Tornadus though. Because it's Stealth Rock weak, and doesn't have roost :(. It also is just so frail that its subs get broken pretty easily. But Acrobatics just hits huge.
    Martini, ehhh you'd be surprised. Also I feel you. I got to 1700 at one point and it's getting reset. (I'm down to 1640ish now but still :|)

    Virizion and Shaymin are two different things. I actually like Shaymin more, but Virizion is by no means terrible. I like that it can nail Crobat with Stone Edge. Torandus's most successful set actually wasn't Rain Dance last time it was UU. Its most successful set was Tornadus @Flying Gem, Bulk Up/Substitute/Acrobatics/Brick Break. It sets up on a lot of common threats.

    Mew is just broken. I guarantee you it will end up being BL. Guarantee. It's just too broken. It's the most versatile pokemon in the entire game. It's literally just slap EVs and 4 moves on Mew, and it does what it wants.
    Well, nothing for either of us last Haiku contest.

    I hope you're good with death. ;D
    Meh, I have a hard time drawing people (if that's what you mean). They usually turn out oh, so very wrong...
    Not really. The only time I care about football is during the Super Bowl, and even then, I mostly watch if for the commercials (not the actual game).
    I've noticed. I'm guessing that the site's sponsors have that set to advertise based on what the topic of threads involve. My speciality is creative writing, so that only makes sense.
    Martini, you're reading my awaymsg wrong. I'm getting mad at someone ELSE using an invalid move.
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