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  • My story titles are all ironic. Disbelief is a story all about believing and having faith in general. My previous fic, Becoming Civilized, is about a Leafeon that gets stranded out of her modern world.
    Martini, Sounds like the Charmeleon Secret Rare from Stormfront. It's worth about $6 or so but I could be wrong. :p
    Well, I don't see how it's related to "Shock," but you only gave me a really sparse outline, so there might be something in there.
    I backup my stories everyday with a script I wrote.

    And is the story related to the title?
    Silly is a nature. Now, there are two kinds: unintentional and intentional silliness. You're the unintentional kind.
    Because you're just silly. A bit annoying, but your innocence and inexperience makes up for it.
    Martini, not even close. There was more variety when Luxchomp existed. PLOX singlehandedly dominated the format. There was a million ways to play it, and I could write an article just on trying to find Pokémon to put in that deck. Anything from Gardevoir SW to Gardevoir EX Dragon Frontiers to Furret to Jolteon* to Jirachi EX to Absol EX. And that's again, just the pokemon. I can tell you every list included the following:

    4-2-2-1 Gardevoir LV. X, all SW
    2 Gallade SW
    2-2 Claydol
    2 Unown G
    other stuff

    3 Bebe's Search
    3 Roseanne's Research
    2 Night Maintenance
    2 Warp Point
    ...other stuff

    4 Call Energy
    4 Double Rainbow Energy
    some Psychic and Fighting Energies
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