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  • Furry fandom is the fandom for anthropomorphic animals, often termed anthros for their humanlike characteristics. Oftentimes, it's associated with funny animals like Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny. Most furries create their own alter egos called fursonas (mine is Apollo Erminfyr, an ermine monk) and roleplay as them online. Some even make costumes based on their fursonas too. I just like furry related apparel.
    My mom hates furry fandom, or anything that reminds her I'm into it. The hoodie is made to look like a husky, complete with ears, eyes, and a nose on the hood. I don't have a picture yet.
    I'm sure some people put creativeness above other aspects of the game, but I usually enjoy tried-and-true teams. Doesn't hurt to have your own style of teambuilding, though. Anyways, I should be free this weekend.
    Jerk! :mad: That sweater cost me sixty-five bucks! Do you not understand the concept of money? Also, no, I have read neither.
    Mmm, I guess. The only downside to my day was that my mom found an animal hoodie I've been hiding from here for a month. Ironicly, she likes it.
    Good. I got hyped up about the PMD announcement this morning and basically rushed through work today.
    No, shut up. I don't browse forums to hear this garbage.

    Oh, so if I'm understanding you correctly, I should stop talking to you.
    I don't see anything on your face worth reading anyway.

    You... don't bother artists. That's like a stupid way to respect them.
    The "-_-" hinted at that, lol.

    And I'm subscribed to awesome artists. Of course I can get lots of cool art.
    I might have some time for teambuilding this weekend. And why Virizion specifically? It's not that good.
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