Happy Birthday!
My Little Keldeo' pid='2689421' dateline='1418760616 said:Escape Rope, however, does not have this. "Each player switches his or her Active Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon. (Your opponent switches first. If a player does not have a Benched Pokémon, he or she doesn't switch Pokémon.)" In this case, your Active Pokemon is the tart\get, So, if your Active Pokemon has O Barrier, you couldn't switch at all when your opponent played Escape Rope. However, if you have a Pokemon with O Barrier on the bench and you don't want to do the forced switch, you could simply say it's your target for Escape rope, and the switch fails since it was your opponent's card.
This is a great topic. I suggest going a bit into "scooping" (Asking others to scoop, general things). I look forward to it.My Little Keldeo' pid='2671672' dateline='1413374150 said:I'll be discussing sportsmanship as a major theme in my next article on how to behave during a tournament, so keep reading!
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