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  • ummm I have no pics of me on this computer lol... Look for the dood with an Afro-ish thing, and is talking with a Mexican looking adult or making a kid named Josh rage quit :)
    Nigel, Dats awesome... I wish I had a phone to do that..

    He will... he already loses to Ho Oh,
    Nigel, DOOOO IT lol... Just cuz he took 4th and I took 12th he thinks he better than me... Even though I 6-0 him EVERY game.
    Nigel, You'll win without Terrakion then lol... Also add in (if you already havn't) Eviolite, and Aspertia City Gym. Even then he's pretty bad so you'll win.
    Nigel, Dakrai/Sableye/Golurk... U got dis

    Just KO his Golurk quickly and run a Terrakion and he loses.
    Nigel, My brother is and so are a few others.... Also there is an Empoleon box that is faster than Ho Oh, so watch for that... All though he went 0-3 and dropped last time lol
    Nigel, Double borrowing lol... Sweet. Well I looked at what Juniors and Seniors are playing, so try something that counters Darkrai/Hydreigon :)
    Nigel, Double borrowing lol... Sweet. Well I looked at what Juniors and Seniors are playing, so try something that counters Darkrai/Hydreigon :)
    Nigel, I was busy this weekend, and wasn't near a computer when you left the message here. If you ever need to reach me immediately, send me a message on AIM. It goes right to my phone. Get ahold of me after 7 PM tomorrow or anytime in the afternoon on Tuesday.
    1.) Darkrai... And then there may be a Rayquaza eels deck IDK.

    2.) I was just gonna ask you dat :<
    Its almost 2 Hours away I don't think it'd be worth it then. But if your still intrested, the place opens on weekends and closes at 6.
    Nigel I know a guy who sells revrse holo trainers for .50 here in GA. I bought most of his good stuff though :p. If you've ever heard of the Pendrgrass Flea Market, A guy there sells cards pretty cheap (I bought a $5 Shaymin EX, but it was because he gave me a discount for buying another card.) You should check it out if your in the area. I don't know how often he gets cards though.
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