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  • Nigel, I gave my bro my Gothiclus deck... So I don't wanna do that... (I'm thinking maybe Serperior/Reuniclus/Cresselia EX/Bulky attacker for CF/FB)
    Nigel, ah...

    Anymore random idea's? I might be playing Serpioror/Reuniclus/Attackers for BR's though
    Nigel, Well... I made Ryan start giving out 8 sigs on those league cards for beating me before (lol Tornadus Stolen :p)

    I have... In the DPP - AR season at states I almost did that to a kid who was playing LuxChomp (Without many Chomps though lol)

    This one kid did it to me then because I Absol LV.X Donked him T2... He got kicked out of the tournament lol
    Nigel, WTH Ur a super computer -_-

    I'm gonna be running Terrakion/Tornadus/Zekrom if I can't get Garbo Terrakion done
    Hey Nigel, wanna test. I can promise it will be uninterrupted. And if you do could you play something other than Darkrai/Hydreigon, I'm pretty confident with that match-up
    Nigel, lol.. Eric is lound and obnoxious (unlike any one else here lol :p)

    So... What deck are you going to be playing?
    Nigel, Is Trevor new? I don't remember him. If Ryan, Tyler, Eric, and Dave show up I'll be with them (I hang out with too many masters lol)
    Yeah... for a couple years :/ Atleast Masters is a little bit more layed back then seniors..

    I hardly reconize Scott (It's been about 3 years since we battled, and he hardly ever talked to me) I shall be hangin with my little bro (Sad I know) and our friend (who will probably lose first few games cuz his Zekeels sucks)
    Nigel, there is... (Still need to find out da date I believe it's sometime soon)

    If you come... We are DEFINATELY going to meet at BR's.
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