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  • nomekop55555, full parking lots? I feel you, I really do. That's probably one of the most irritating things in the world.

    At the college I go to, a similar situation occurs when it's class time - a lot of people drive their cars up and fill up the spaces pretty quick. Fortunately, I live close enough so that I can bicycle there - no parking worries for me!
    nomekop55555, I feel your pain. I have to drive about 3 hours to get up to the mountains. How long is your drive?
    nomekop55555, how did you like snowboarding, then?
    (also I don't think sledding counts either)
    nomekop55555, oh right, there's a fair amount of snow there.
    I don't get snow around where I'm from usually - I would have to go up to the mountains to get some.
    nomekop55555, an Altaria with a Rocky Helmet, eh? I've seen EonEye's Rocky Helmet-series avvies and I think they're relatively well-done.

    You like snow, eh? What area of the world are you at?
    nomekop55555, what's the avatar going to be of? and are you hoping it snows because of school cancellation or just because you like playing in the snow?
    nomekop55555, as am I! It's one of my least favorite things to happen to me.

    so what's on your mind?
    nomekop55555, actually right now it's just a headache, fortunately. It's when my nose gets stuffy that it really starts to annoy me.
    nomekop55555, thank you for the well-wishing!
    Apparently there's a bug going around and apparently I caught it as well; oh well.
    nomekop55555, I...I could be better. Right now I have a rather irritating cold I caught yesterday and I'm trying to get over it.
    Other than that I'm doing all right; I'm about to go trade some Pokemon with a few people shortly (over Wi-Fi).
    Already done! Now I just need to find time to scan it and edit it w/ my computer. It turned out pretty nice, I'll have it done by the weekend.
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