One Approved
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  • One Approved, Psssh who cares about dem :p Mew is still cuter and gets you more girls :p

    I do love them both though
    One Approved, Psystrike is annoying... It's only a monster when Mark is using it :/ *Runs and hides from ubers battling with Mark*

    Even then, Mew > Mewtwo IMO
    One Approved, I loved that thing... It'll make it's way up to Ubers I hope, to content with M2 who I honestly don't think deserves it's usage in Ubers, with the new Kyurem formes running around.
    One Approved, I wish Mew wasn't OU *sigh*

    Yeah, looking at it, I'm doubting it's Viable in OU, because of all the Specail walls running around :(

    I will try it, in a hail team though :)
    One Approved, I got it from this book called "Gregor the Overlander" However, it's a rat in the book, but I thought it'd match Scizor :p. Alright. I should be able to trade in 4th gen. what is your Pt friend code? My 5th gen FC is in my sig.
    One Approved, Wow... That's the most amazing strategy I've ever seen...

    Mind if I use if for an OU team?
    One Approved, I was wondering how it the core worked. I was also wondering if you think it could work in OU?
    Hey, was it you or SL that was talking about Empoleon/Mew in UU? Cuz I wanna learn more about it.
    oops just missed you. It's named Ripred. is that OK? And this is on Gen 5. If you haven't transfered the Snover yet, can you teach it Giga Drain if you have the TM? I can figure out my Platinum FC if you can't transfer, also. Then you won't have to teach it Giga Drain.
    One Approved, Haha, UU is alot more fun now ! Since, I hate BW2 OU except Rain Stall :D
    Nope, you even said as I remember that all my wins are from haxing (; And I have many a people who will say that I'm very haxxy
    well considering i did most of them at 3 am i think they came out pretty well ;)
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