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  • It might help if you search for "All Hail Da'iry". They were really, REALLY old "got milk?" commercials around when I was about 14 or so.
    And clearly you have never seen them!
    Da'iry, I love what you've done with the place.
    Give us the Wonder Tonic.

    +500 internets if you remember those commercials
    If you need any tips on how to do it, I wrote up a chart of Pokemon on Word that you can EV train on (in Generation 5).
    The act of EV training is a lot easier than it sounds - the challenging part is thinking up your moveset and item for your Pokemon to begin with.
    Or if you do, that I won't use Blissey. (I don't right now, but I might use it every now and again.)
    That and I EV train, so I have a marked advantage over people that don't.
    Just because you said that, I'm going to start running Blissey again, competitively, in Generation Five.

    I guess you have a good point, but it isn't very likely that the sleep will only last 1 turn. I'd rather take the move with a slim chance of failing than have no true answer to the likes of Blissey.
    Because Blissey is a monster in Ubers.
    Three words:I hate Nightmare!If you use it and the opponent wakes up immediatley after use,you've just wasted a turn.
    It's a bit too situational. I guess with Darkrai you need not fear it as much, since Darkrai's going to be faster, BUT Darkrai has a lot better moves at his disposal, such as Nightmare, Dark Pulse, Spacial Rend (umad?), and assorted things like Thunderbolt. Granted you could use Dream Eater, but I wouldn't use Nightmare and Dream Eater on the same set - you run the risk of making one of them useless.

    I personally prefer Nightmare, since it lets me take care of things that have absurdly high Special Defense like Blissey (Nightmare makes the opponent lose 25% of its HP every turn it remains asleep). Plus it stacks with Bad Dreams. Fun.

    HOWEVER, standard competitive has a Sleep Clause in play (no more than 1 opponent's Pokemon can be put to sleep, not counting Rest), so Darkrai isn't quite as overpowering as one might think.
    It's no wonder that Darkrai is banned in standard competitive OU then, right? That and the Spacial Rend event makes him immensely annoying.
    I guess Darkrai is a troll when it comes to it's signature move Dark Void.(Let's not forget the *cough* ever-so-wonderful event Darkrai that knows Spacial Rend and Roar of Time.)
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