I see you on chat and I so badly want to talk to you but I have to leave for a friend's house now. I would tell you on the chat but that would make me even more sad lol. :[ I hope we can chat later this afternoon/evening...
ZoruaSnivyluver, Oh, you're still up?!?!? ^.^ I can talk right now if you want. =D But I need a link to your channel or something. Maybe you should PM it to me?
ZoruaSnivyluver, Woot! Late nights are great. I'll see if I can get on at that time or maybe even a little earlier but no promises. Oh and you probably don't want to push yourself to stay up, if you can that's good but if you can't no worries. =]
Looks like we won't be able to chat today. D: Because I was having trouble getting on PB Chat and now I have to get off the computer and I probably won't be back until like 9 PMish... ;_;