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  • How do we know what'll make you laugh out loud? :/
    I'll set to work on this one and try and get a good 'un.
    Oh, thank you so much, I got a lot of Birthday comments. :3
    Sadly, DNA beat you to it man, lol. Thanks again!

    aww..Wish I would've been paying more attention to the new threads lol. if anyone drops/is inactive could I possibly be a replacement?
    TheDarkLucario, Ok, thanks. Just saw that you edited it 2-3 times without adding me. :p
    TDL, when will you post my name in the OP for The Challenge 2? Have I missed something out? I've now provided all of the needed details, so please confirm my place. It seems that you are deliberately avoiding adding me, but I may be wrong.
    y due ewe dislike mi? english is knot my first language! wood ewe help mi learn so eye do knot get infracted again?

    lawlzz saferblad wuzz hurrreer,, hehkshe ..
    That's great. I haven't been here a lot lately and then when I thought the forums might be closing, I felt worse. But now I can catch up on things. I've been neglecting this site and I've been on another one a lot, having friends there. But hopefully I can make some good friends here, I made one a while ago, but he got perma-banned.

    You seem like a nice and respectable guy, maybe one day you could become a Super-mod.
    Of course you can, I never implied anything but. ;)
    Open up your full buddy list and look at the avatars. I'm sure anyone could tell who has the most class out of all of them. XD
    Hey, I told you you would become a Moderator. I knew you had it in you, glad that you're one. Hope you do well as one. :D
    TheDarkLucario, Don't worry, hot girl avatars are always cool. I still miss your Ke$ha one, though.
    I might join your competition soon.
    TheDarkLucario, don't worry, Dark. My next plan was to *swear to god* use Hot Girl avatars, just like you and sf! Guy and I do this all the time. :p Before you know it, they'll be popular again! Although girls probably won't use them as much... XD
    And thanks for the compliment!
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