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  • ComfortEagle, Yep. I got em in 6 but Lebron will put up a fight. That 45 point night is nothing to scoff at.
    ComfortEagle, ...I don't mind eating cold pizza.
    Warm/hot pizza is far superior, but if there's nothing else to eat around I'll have it.

    And I mostly said that because it looked good, not much else.
    ComfortEagle, I now have a strange craving for Snorunt pizza.
    It might bring me good fortune.




    Kakashi <3
    ComfortEagle, I have finals for the next three days, but I'll probably be around sometime. I'm normally free in the evening.
    I was at Battle Roads today and I feel like I got cheated out of victory...twice. 2 of my losses were just due to surprise comebacks at the last possible moment, and attributed almost entirely to luck.
    I didn't enjoy my games very much, if at all, and at the end of the day I finished poorly. I was frustrated and sad at the whole ordeal.

    Also yes, whoever is thinking up these new forms should probably be fired too. They are trying to outdo even Generation 4 as far as new legendaries go. At the very least, with Gen 4, everyone was DIFFERENT.
    ComfortEagle, king cold is mewtwo? He doesnt change formes but is still more powerful yo
    Do you think Pokemon are based on DBZ characters

    example: 4th gen shaymin

    Is not powerful enough to dominate competition, ends up changing formes and learning new techniques, proceeds to become a pretty much unstoppable force and crushes OU

    I'm thinking Deoxys is secretly Frieza
    "Resolution Form?
    Whoever thought up that name deserves to be fired. "

    No, whoever is making these new formes should be fired. Six in one game? Absurd.

    Although the Kami Trio looks better somewhat. Anything is better than repeated designs with sprite recolors.
    Platinum had seven :p
    Haha, How funny I was about to get mad at you for not updating me then I realize. VM and it's you. OK. That's fine. I may not be able to make it tonight. But, aesoft it and I will narrate sometime in the future.
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