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  • 2) Don't argue others' reviews and the opinions expressed in them. This is not the place to do that. If you strongly disagree with something a member says, feel free to PM them and argue it there. However, we want this section to look clean and easy to read. Adding a debate in the middle of a bunch of reviews ruins that look.

    Personally, I feel that Mewtwo can 'create a win condition with little to no effort'. A card that can get easily set up, and benefit from your opponent setting up AND when you further set it up is broken, no? If your opponent has no Mewtwo to counter yours, they're screwed over and lose the game since you'll be constantly OHKO'ing them.
    TDL, no he haz tenis 2day nd so i dint c him bat i wil let u no 2morow cos i mite c him 2moro
    TDL, Ghost Nappa makes a few cameos, yes.
    And I actually have been meaning to watch DBZ Abridged. I've only seen one episode - the second one - but I do find the series very entertaining. It's definitely on my to-do list! I'll let you know when I actually get around to it.
    TDL, Question: Would you like to have analyses for different tiers? If so, which ones?
    Options: No. Just OU.

    It also needs to be multiple options.

    Thanks for doing this. =)
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