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  • PikabooPikachu, yes but you're on Christmas break now, so you can put your feet up and relax, yes?
    PikabooPikachu, Ohai again. I'm going to probably stop leaving those random comments on your profile. I feel like it can get annoying especially when I'm like triple or quadruple posting on people's profiles when it's not a back and forth conversation lol...

    It's hard to imagine me being away from Pokebeach as long as you are sometimes. I can only go without it when I don't have access to it. =P
    PikabooPikachu, I never said I missed you did I? =P Oh okay, that's what I thought. You just have a lot of work to do and obviously the forums aren't top priority right now. Lol, now you make me curious about this "project". =P
    You haven't been on for almost a week. How are you supposed to update your Nuzlocke like this? D: I guess you're busy... But uhhh yeah, guess I'm just letting you know that I noticed your absence (is that the right word...?). =P
    PikabooPikachu, Nah don't worry don't worry about it. It's not like we've established a schedule or really chat on any regular basis so you saying you haven't been on in a while doesn't really mean too much. =P But yeah, hopefully we'll find some time to chat with each other at some point.
    PikabooPikachu, When you're not on ;] Wait what? Oh yeah, heh heh, I agree, chat is always fun... o.o
    I have come to bother you! >:]

    I just noticed that chat quote with DNA quoting me is in your bio. o: That was a pretty fun chat lol.
    PikabooPikachu, You tink I is funneh? :3 Woot! I was right. Good thing I came when I did. I'm powerless against girl tears. =P Lol red pandas? I don't think I've ever heard of those lol. Ah that's good, nice to hear that you're doing good. Oh I see, I hate when I don't know if I have a ride or not, it can be pretty annoying. I hope everything works out for you though. :] Hmmm, how's my life? Well other than the fact that I feel my life is very repetitive it has been pretty good. I would probably say more but I'm being forced to go to bed lol. So yeah, talk to you later. =P
    You haven't had a profile comment in a week, so yeah, thought I would fix that. I know you are probably sad about it too so my plan was to post here before you come crying to me to do so. Because that was your plan right? =P Okay whatever, I'll just shut up and ask how's life been? xP
    heey we like a lot of the same stuff! =3 im a pokemon and zelda fan too like, big time!!! 0.0 I obviously like pokemon more. I grew up with it when it very first hit america! :p My very first pokemons were a base charmander card, pikachu keychain from KFC, and a totodile in Silver version!
    PikabooPikachu, Wait, so you're gonna add me to your buddies list even though there's nothing in it for you? *Afro-G feels vewy speshul* :3 Lol, I'm on PB chat like all day, not necessarily active always but I'm pretty much always there. =P Haha okay, homework does come before Pokebeach I guess. :I Oh yeah...

    *Afro-G adds PikabooPikachu to his buddies list* :3

    Hope to see you too! ^.^
    PikabooPikachu, it's Japanese. Maybe your computer can't render Japanese characters? (It's possible you're just seeing 9 or so boxes.)
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