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  • I'm sorry, but now you have me confused. You want to make a new thread for the Haiku Contest? If so, don't because I'm already preparing a thread for the next round. Also, you can't make a copy of the current one without it just being spam since there's no point in it.

    Or was your question if you could somehow start a new thread by using the haiku contest? If that's you meant, the answer's just no because new threads can only be made using the option I mentioned that exists on an individual forum's thread index. Pre-existing threads can't just be copied in order to make new ones.

    Sorry if I didn't answer your question right. You just need to be more specific about what you're trying to do.
    When you're in any given forum, there should be an option near the top of the thread index/list that says "Post New Thread in (Forum Name Here)." Just click on it and it should take you to a screen where you can fill in information for a new topic.

    Also, PM me your other two votes and I'll add them on your behalf. The poll was supposed to be set for multiple votes, but I understand that it's hard to distinguish that sometimes.
    Just point-and-click on the boxes displayed in the Haiku Contest's poll. They should appear with a small check-mark right afterward. Once you've selected three, click on the "Vote" button that should be underneath the poll and your votes will be tallied with any others that have already been made.
    Just a little note: I don't really play TCG, but I do know a lot about it. And whos good and whos not. And I'm not allowed to trade with people. D:

    Would if I could but I can't so I won't. Tell me how it goes. ;D
    I'm doing fantastic. Thanks for asking.

    And though I've been here for awhile, I'm still kinda new. ;3
    Welcome to PB!

    Hope you enjoy it here!

    And if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
    PikachuRaichuMaster, ....I can't remember the other one either xD. Um....UHHHHHH TORNADUS ya him...not to memorable :/
    To this point I've never gotten even this many people to sign-up for it. I still will accept private entries via PM from two more people if they want to join it that badly, just at this point it's not very likely. Tomorrow's the deadline for entries and submissions anyhow.
    No,i meant if they remade it in the 2010 and newer sets.Than u can play and oldder copy of that card
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