bacon Jul 5, 2012 Sorry dude, I can't keep playing Showdown without disconnecting erry 2 minutes... :C
N N Nengeni Jul 4, 2012 A new challenge is up... Discuss here please:
D D DNA Jul 3, 2012 *looks at usertitle* bunny-leech also, NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! <3<3<3<3<3 (sorry, had to be done)
*looks at usertitle* bunny-leech also, NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! <3<3<3<3<3 (sorry, had to be done)
Zyflair Jul 2, 2012 Then while this game and the next game goes on, I'll slowly work on it for WW XV, and then send the contents to anyone that would like to co-host?
Then while this game and the next game goes on, I'll slowly work on it for WW XV, and then send the contents to anyone that would like to co-host?
Zyflair Jul 2, 2012 Speaking of items, how silly of an idea do you think a PMD version of WW would be? x3
N N Nengeni Jun 28, 2012 Minichallenge up... Discuss here please:
H H HypnoticChairman Jun 24, 2012 I think there should be a werewolf thread somewhere where people can talk about past games/future games and the game itself. Jus' sayin'
I think there should be a werewolf thread somewhere where people can talk about past games/future games and the game itself. Jus' sayin'
G G Glace Jun 15, 2012 You look at the name change thread for a while and then don't change it. Well then.