Recent content by pokehin23

  1. P

    Electric soldier porygon

    You could bascially see them all at
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    Pokemon Lucario Pre-evo

    If they are legendary,they would not have a gender;since the others don't.
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    Pokemon electabuzz evolution???

    We ONLY think it is.
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    Post fake pokemon here!

    I drew one on a paper,but i will try to get it on to the computer.It is called Lugiquaza
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    You never know what happens next.
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    Is May's Conbusken going to evovle,because if it did;she'll be a MUCH better trainer.
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    who will marry ash

    Pokemon is NOT real,so who knows?
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    Pokemon Dorapion and Gligar

    The only we could do is wait.
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    Pokemon Areas (Towns, routes, houses...)

    RE:  Pokemon Areas (Towns, routes, houses...) The picture's cool,a pond on a cave!
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    Andyman's PokeBall Request Shop

    Ho-oh and Lugia PLEASE!
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    New Episodes

    You Tube, but they sometime show others cartoon.(WHICH makes me mad!)
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    Pokemon 4th gen wishes

    How about a evolution of Lugia or Ho-oh
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    Pokemon If you could live in a Pokemon region which would it be?

    Jhoto, the combo of Kanto and Jhoto.
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    Pokemon most powerful legendary

    RE:  most powerful legendary yeah,because it is cool and legendary:D Anyways you could catch it only once or said "bye-bye" to him.
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    Pokemon Fave KANTO gym leader

    Giovanni, great pokemon, hard to beat,gym leader,and of couse, team rocket's leader