Professor Palutena

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  • Peachy, Yeah, it happens sometimes. I do it when I keep the page up for a long time, and it still says, say (2) when I really have 3.

    I KNEW IT! YOU ARE A SUPPORTER OF HE WHO MUST NOT BE MENTIONED! No other explanation. If you only get powers there, that doesn't explain how you can see me. You must be a hacker apprentice of he who must not be mentioned.
    Peachy, O-o I was hoping this wouldn't be complicated...

    SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET MAGIC EYES? I thought contributors couldn't get cool powers...

    Oh yes, I know what's going on. You're a big supporter of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Mentioned.
    Peachy, Hidden stats? Lolwut :B

    Finally got three stars on all of the 50cc and 100cc cups. I used to be so much better at this game ;-; I suppose not having all of the unlockables hurts though.

    Lol I love being invisible, stalking people was never so easy.
    It has more?

    Lol too bad all the gold stuff is pretty bad though...the Gold Glider doesn't have the acceleration bonus like the Swooper and friends do.

    Peachy, yaaaaa like flower and star i got 3 stars first time on im too used to mirror tracks and cant operate on the normal ones xD
    Heya Peachy, I was just wondering if it would be okay for me to use unreleased DW abilities on my Cubchoo and Maractus for our match. I have virtually no counter for Dialga (I went through any and all possibilities and found only one, the chances of it working are... yeah >.<;), so it shouldn't matter too much.
    Peachy, MKW was harder though, and had a lot more unlockables. Plus it took away Snaking, and MK7 brought it back...kind of.

    Ah, I see. Do you have the gold stuff yet?

    It's OK. It's an improvement from MKDS, but worse than MKW. The new gimmicks don't really change much. And the new items suck. Every time I land on a 7 someone crashes into the Bob-Omb and screws EVERYTHING up. Super Leaves last too long, hog up your item space mostly. Fire Flowers do as well but they're a bit better. Tbh I'd rather land on a Green Shell though, at least you can protect yourself.

    I can't win the Star Cup on 150cc for the life of me...the turns on Neo Bowser City screw me up A LOT.

    I imagine you have all of the unlocked stuff already, how's the online play on there?
    I like that avy :D. Hmmmm I can't get 3 stars on Mirror's frustrating to go all first three races perfect...then you just mess up once and you end up getting second in the last race...and having to start ALL over.
    Peachy, Oh, I'll be able to play on Friday (I'll be on pretty much all day). I'm really sorry it's so late, but I won't have a computer with access to PO until then (and I can't download it on this computer). Just lmk if that's too long of a wait, I'll try my best to get it sooner.
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