Professor Palutena

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  • You know that post you just reported? A certain someone reported it 1 minute faster! >:]
    Bippa201, No, I don't think I should hear them considering I don't like people cursing. =P Lol, I wonder how many Christians have Afros... Probably not many, so that would make me special. :3

    Haha exactly, as much as I like hard things, I think I'll just stick with smoooooshy and not hard hair. =] I bet you wish you could touch, feel, poke, and squish my hair. ;D

    Oh and I should really go to sleep now, I should have done so a while ago. >.< Good night, Bippa! <3
    Bippa201, Haha, that's a good point lol. And yes, yes I am a Christian. A good reason why I shouldn't swear if you ask me. =P

    Oh I see, I guess I would like it to be hard, but then it might not be as fun to play with. Who doesn't like touching/feeling/poking smoooooooshy things? xP
    You, Bippa201 (The Christian), want to see me swear? o.0 My Afro is quite smooooshy, I don't know if it can get hard. :/
    Bippa201, Lol, curse? Why would I want to do that? =P Wait what? Harder in what way...? o.o
    Bippa201, Everytime I get on, there is nothing going on haha. PC me when it's good!
    Going to bed now though! Night dude. ✞

    Bippa201, defensive Rotom usually doesn't live as long, but it certainly serve it's purpose. Gyarados can be annoying a f**k, but only in favorable situations.
    Bippa201, You perfectionist. :p Ask me if you have a question, I'm always here.
    Geez, that was fast. :/ So.. watcha up to?
    /me is desperate (and yes, I know the /me command doesn't work)
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